Key | HandcarAuthorization | |
Version | 1.0 | |
Included Services | ||
Java Package | |
GET handcar/services/authorization/vaults/{vaultId}/authorization?proxyname={XXXX} |
GET handcar/services/authorization/vault/types?proxyname={XXXX} |
GET handcar/services/authorization/vaults?proxyname={XXXX} Additional query parameters (that can be mixed and matched): ?id={id}&id={id}... ?genustypeid={id}&genustypeid={id}... ?keyword={XXXX} ?addedby={XXXX}&addedby={XXXX}... ?addedonstartdate={YYYY-MM-DD} ?addedonenddate={YYYY-MM-DD} ?updatedby={XXXX}&updatedby={XXXX}... ?updatedonstartdate={YYYY-MM-DD} ?updatedonenddate={YYYY-MM-DD} ?startat={999} ?maxvalues={999} |
GET handcar/services/authorization/vaults/{vaultId}?proxyname={XXXX} |
POST {vaultBean} to handcar/services/authorization/vaults?proxyname={XXXX} { "id" : "id", "genusTypeId" : "id", "displayName" : { "languageTypeId" : "id", "scriptTypeId" : "id", "formatTypeId" : "id", "text" : "XXXX" }, "description" : { "languageTypeId" : "id", "scriptTypeId" : "id", "formatTypeId" : "id", "text" : "XXXX" }, "current" : true, "sortKey" : "XXXX", "extensionRecord" : { "recordTypeIds" : ["id", ...], "recordProperties" : [ { "displayName" : { "languageTypeId" : "id", "scriptTypeId" : "id", "formatTypeId" : "id", "text" : "XXXX" }, "description" : { "languageTypeId" : "id", "scriptTypeId" : "id", "formatTypeId" : "id", "text" : "XXXX" }, "recordTypeId" : "id", "value" : "XXXX", "displayLabel" : { "languageTypeId" : "id", "scriptTypeId" : "id", "formatTypeId" : "id", "text" : "XXXX" }, "associatedId" : "id" }, ...], "associatedId" : "id" }, "auditTrail" : { "addedBy" : "XXXX", "addedOn" : "YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss", "updatedBy" : "XXXX", "updatedOn" : "YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss", "comment" : "XXXX" } } |
PUT {vaultBean} to handcar/services/authorization/vaults/{vaultId}?proxyname={XXXX} { "id" : "id", "genusTypeId" : "id", "displayName" : { "languageTypeId" : "id", "scriptTypeId" : "id", "formatTypeId" : "id", "text" : "XXXX" }, "description" : { "languageTypeId" : "id", "scriptTypeId" : "id", "formatTypeId" : "id", "text" : "XXXX" }, "current" : true, "sortKey" : "XXXX", "extensionRecord" : { "recordTypeIds" : ["id", ...], "recordProperties" : [ { "displayName" : { "languageTypeId" : "id", "scriptTypeId" : "id", "formatTypeId" : "id", "text" : "XXXX" }, "description" : { "languageTypeId" : "id", "scriptTypeId" : "id", "formatTypeId" : "id", "text" : "XXXX" }, "recordTypeId" : "id", "value" : "XXXX", "displayLabel" : { "languageTypeId" : "id", "scriptTypeId" : "id", "formatTypeId" : "id", "text" : "XXXX" }, "associatedId" : "id" }, ...], "associatedId" : "id" }, "auditTrail" : { "addedBy" : "XXXX", "addedOn" : "YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss", "updatedBy" : "XXXX", "updatedOn" : "YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss", "comment" : "XXXX" } } |
DELETE handcar/services/authorization/vaults/{vaultId}?proxyname={XXXX} |
GET handcar/services/authorization/vaults/{vaultId}/extension?recordtypeid={id}&recordtypeid={id}...&proxyname={XXXX} |
PUT {extensionRecord} to handcar/services/authorization/vaults/{vaultId}/extension?proxyname={XXXX} { "recordTypeIds" : ["id", ...], "recordProperties" : [ { "displayName" : { "languageTypeId" : "id", "scriptTypeId" : "id", "formatTypeId" : "id", "text" : "XXXX" }, "description" : { "languageTypeId" : "id", "scriptTypeId" : "id", "formatTypeId" : "id", "text" : "XXXX" }, "recordTypeId" : "id", "value" : "XXXX", "displayLabel" : { "languageTypeId" : "id", "scriptTypeId" : "id", "formatTypeId" : "id", "text" : "XXXX" }, "associatedId" : "id" }, ...], "associatedId" : "id" } |
GET handcar/services/authorization/function/types?proxyname={XXXX} |
GET handcar/services/authorization/vaults/{vaultId}/functions?proxyname={XXXX} Additional query parameters (that can be mixed and matched): ?id={id}&id={id}... ?genustypeid={id}&genustypeid={id}... ?keyword={XXXX} ?qualifierhierarchyid={id}&qualifierhierarchyid={id}... ?ruleid={id}&ruleid={id}... ?addedby={XXXX}&addedby={XXXX}... ?addedonstartdate={YYYY-MM-DD} ?addedonenddate={YYYY-MM-DD} ?updatedby={XXXX}&updatedby={XXXX}... ?updatedonstartdate={YYYY-MM-DD} ?updatedonenddate={YYYY-MM-DD} ?startat={999} ?maxvalues={999} |
GET handcar/services/authorization/vaults/{vaultId}/functions/{functionId}?proxyname={XXXX} |
GET handcar/services/authorization/functions/{functionId}?proxyname={XXXX} |
POST {function} to handcar/services/authorization/vaults/{vaultId}/functions?proxyname={XXXX} { "id" : "id", "genusTypeId" : "id", "displayName" : { "languageTypeId" : "id", "scriptTypeId" : "id", "formatTypeId" : "id", "text" : "XXXX" }, "description" : { "languageTypeId" : "id", "scriptTypeId" : "id", "formatTypeId" : "id", "text" : "XXXX" }, "vaultId" : "id", "qualifierHierarchyId" : "id", "ruleId" : "id", "current" : true, "sortKey" : "XXXX", "extensionRecord" : { "recordTypeIds" : ["id", ...], "recordProperties" : [ { "displayName" : { "languageTypeId" : "id", "scriptTypeId" : "id", "formatTypeId" : "id", "text" : "XXXX" }, "description" : { "languageTypeId" : "id", "scriptTypeId" : "id", "formatTypeId" : "id", "text" : "XXXX" }, "recordTypeId" : "id", "value" : "XXXX", "displayLabel" : { "languageTypeId" : "id", "scriptTypeId" : "id", "formatTypeId" : "id", "text" : "XXXX" }, "associatedId" : "id" }, ...], "associatedId" : "id" }, "auditTrail" : { "addedBy" : "XXXX", "addedOn" : "YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss", "updatedBy" : "XXXX", "updatedOn" : "YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss", "comment" : "XXXX" } } |
PUT {function} to handcar/services/authorization/vaults/{vaultId}/functions?proxyname={XXXX} { "id" : "id", "genusTypeId" : "id", "displayName" : { "languageTypeId" : "id", "scriptTypeId" : "id", "formatTypeId" : "id", "text" : "XXXX" }, "description" : { "languageTypeId" : "id", "scriptTypeId" : "id", "formatTypeId" : "id", "text" : "XXXX" }, "vaultId" : "id", "qualifierHierarchyId" : "id", "ruleId" : "id", "current" : true, "sortKey" : "XXXX", "extensionRecord" : { "recordTypeIds" : ["id", ...], "recordProperties" : [ { "displayName" : { "languageTypeId" : "id", "scriptTypeId" : "id", "formatTypeId" : "id", "text" : "XXXX" }, "description" : { "languageTypeId" : "id", "scriptTypeId" : "id", "formatTypeId" : "id", "text" : "XXXX" }, "recordTypeId" : "id", "value" : "XXXX", "displayLabel" : { "languageTypeId" : "id", "scriptTypeId" : "id", "formatTypeId" : "id", "text" : "XXXX" }, "associatedId" : "id" }, ...], "associatedId" : "id" }, "auditTrail" : { "addedBy" : "XXXX", "addedOn" : "YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss", "updatedBy" : "XXXX", "updatedOn" : "YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss", "comment" : "XXXX" } } |
DELETE handcar/services/authorization/vaults/{vaultId}/functions/{functionId}?proxyname={XXXX} |
GET handcar/services/authorization/vaults/{vaultId}/functions/{functionId}/extension?recordtypeid={id}&recordtypeid={id}...&proxyname={XXXX} |
PUT {extensionRecord} to handcar/services/authorization/vaults/{vaultId}/functions/{functionId}/extension?proxyname={XXXX} { "recordTypeIds" : ["id", ...], "recordProperties" : [ { "displayName" : { "languageTypeId" : "id", "scriptTypeId" : "id", "formatTypeId" : "id", "text" : "XXXX" }, "description" : { "languageTypeId" : "id", "scriptTypeId" : "id", "formatTypeId" : "id", "text" : "XXXX" }, "recordTypeId" : "id", "value" : "XXXX", "displayLabel" : { "languageTypeId" : "id", "scriptTypeId" : "id", "formatTypeId" : "id", "text" : "XXXX" }, "associatedId" : "id" }, ...], "associatedId" : "id" } |
GET handcar/services/authorization/qualifier/types?proxyname={XXXX} |
GET handcar/services/authorization/vaults/{vaultId}/qualifiers?proxyname={XXXX} Additional query parameters (that can be mixed and matched): ?id={id}&id={id}... ?genustypeid={id}&genustypeid={id}... ?keyword={XXXX} ?addedby={XXXX}&addedby={XXXX}... ?addedonstartdate={YYYY-MM-DD} ?addedonenddate={YYYY-MM-DD} ?updatedby={XXXX}&updatedby={XXXX}... ?updatedonstartdate={YYYY-MM-DD} ?updatedonenddate={YYYY-MM-DD} ?startat={999} ?maxvalues={999} |
GET handcar/services/authorization/vaults/{vaultId}/qualifiers/{qualifierId}?proxyname={XXXX} |
GET handcar/services/authorization/qualifiers/{qualifierId}?proxyname={XXXX} |
POST {qualifier} to handcar/services/authorization/vaults/{vaultId}/qualifiers?proxyname={XXXX} { "id" : "id", "genusTypeId" : "id", "displayName" : { "languageTypeId" : "id", "scriptTypeId" : "id", "formatTypeId" : "id", "text" : "XXXX" }, "description" : { "languageTypeId" : "id", "scriptTypeId" : "id", "formatTypeId" : "id", "text" : "XXXX" }, "vaultId" : "id", "current" : true, "sortKey" : "XXXX", "extensionRecord" : { "recordTypeIds" : ["id", ...], "recordProperties" : [ { "displayName" : { "languageTypeId" : "id", "scriptTypeId" : "id", "formatTypeId" : "id", "text" : "XXXX" }, "description" : { "languageTypeId" : "id", "scriptTypeId" : "id", "formatTypeId" : "id", "text" : "XXXX" }, "recordTypeId" : "id", "value" : "XXXX", "displayLabel" : { "languageTypeId" : "id", "scriptTypeId" : "id", "formatTypeId" : "id", "text" : "XXXX" }, "associatedId" : "id" }, ...], "associatedId" : "id" }, "auditTrail" : { "addedBy" : "XXXX", "addedOn" : "YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss", "updatedBy" : "XXXX", "updatedOn" : "YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss", "comment" : "XXXX" } } |
PUT {qualifier} to handcar/services/authorization/vaults/{vaultId}/qualifiers?proxyname={XXXX} { "id" : "id", "genusTypeId" : "id", "displayName" : { "languageTypeId" : "id", "scriptTypeId" : "id", "formatTypeId" : "id", "text" : "XXXX" }, "description" : { "languageTypeId" : "id", "scriptTypeId" : "id", "formatTypeId" : "id", "text" : "XXXX" }, "vaultId" : "id", "current" : true, "sortKey" : "XXXX", "extensionRecord" : { "recordTypeIds" : ["id", ...], "recordProperties" : [ { "displayName" : { "languageTypeId" : "id", "scriptTypeId" : "id", "formatTypeId" : "id", "text" : "XXXX" }, "description" : { "languageTypeId" : "id", "scriptTypeId" : "id", "formatTypeId" : "id", "text" : "XXXX" }, "recordTypeId" : "id", "value" : "XXXX", "displayLabel" : { "languageTypeId" : "id", "scriptTypeId" : "id", "formatTypeId" : "id", "text" : "XXXX" }, "associatedId" : "id" }, ...], "associatedId" : "id" }, "auditTrail" : { "addedBy" : "XXXX", "addedOn" : "YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss", "updatedBy" : "XXXX", "updatedOn" : "YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss", "comment" : "XXXX" } } |
DELETE handcar/services/authorization/vaults/{vaultId}/qualifiers/{qualifierId}?proxyname={XXXX} |
GET handcar/services/authorization/vaults/{vaultId}/qualifiers/{qualifierId}/extension?recordtypeid={id}&recordtypeid={id}...&proxyname={XXXX} |
PUT {extensionRecord} to handcar/services/authorization/vaults/{vaultId}/qualifiers/{qualifierId}/extension?proxyname={XXXX} { "recordTypeIds" : ["id", ...], "recordProperties" : [ { "displayName" : { "languageTypeId" : "id", "scriptTypeId" : "id", "formatTypeId" : "id", "text" : "XXXX" }, "description" : { "languageTypeId" : "id", "scriptTypeId" : "id", "formatTypeId" : "id", "text" : "XXXX" }, "recordTypeId" : "id", "value" : "XXXX", "displayLabel" : { "languageTypeId" : "id", "scriptTypeId" : "id", "formatTypeId" : "id", "text" : "XXXX" }, "associatedId" : "id" }, ...], "associatedId" : "id" } |
GET handcar/services/authorization/authorization/types?proxyname={XXXX} |
GET handcar/services/authorization/vaults/{vaultId}/authorizations?proxyname={XXXX} Additional query parameters (that can be mixed and matched): ?id={id}&id={id}... ?genustypeid={id}&genustypeid={id}... ?keyword={XXXX} ?agentid={id}&agentid={id}... ?functionid={id}&functionid={id}... ?qualifierid={id}&qualifierid={id}... ?resourceid={id}&resourceid={id}... ?trustid={id}&trustid={id}... ?endreasonid={id}&endreasonid={id}... ?effective={true} ?startdatestartrange={YYYY-MM-DD} ?startdateendrange={YYYY-MM-DD} ?startdatematch={true} ?enddatestartrange={YYYY-MM-DD} ?enddateendrange={YYYY-MM-DD} ?enddatematch={true} ?addedby={XXXX}&addedby={XXXX}... ?addedonstartdate={YYYY-MM-DD} ?addedonenddate={YYYY-MM-DD} ?updatedby={XXXX}&updatedby={XXXX}... ?updatedonstartdate={YYYY-MM-DD} ?updatedonenddate={YYYY-MM-DD} ?startat={999} ?maxvalues={999} |
GET handcar/services/authorization/vaults/{vaultId}/authorizations/{authorizationId}?proxyname={XXXX} |
GET handcar/services/authorization/authorizations/{authorizationId}?proxyname={XXXX} |
POST {authorization} to handcar/services/authorization/vaults/{vaultId}/authorizations?proxyname={XXXX} { "id" : "id", "genusTypeId" : "id", "displayName" : { "languageTypeId" : "id", "scriptTypeId" : "id", "formatTypeId" : "id", "text" : "XXXX" }, "description" : { "languageTypeId" : "id", "scriptTypeId" : "id", "formatTypeId" : "id", "text" : "XXXX" }, "resourceId" : "id", "trustId" : "id", "agentId" : "id", "functionId" : "id", "qualifierId" : "id", "vaultId" : "id", "endReasonId" : "id", "startDate" : "YYYY-MM-DD", "endDate" : "YYYY-MM-DD", "current" : true, "sortKey" : "XXXX", "extensionRecord" : { "recordTypeIds" : ["id", ...], "recordProperties" : [ { "displayName" : { "languageTypeId" : "id", "scriptTypeId" : "id", "formatTypeId" : "id", "text" : "XXXX" }, "description" : { "languageTypeId" : "id", "scriptTypeId" : "id", "formatTypeId" : "id", "text" : "XXXX" }, "recordTypeId" : "id", "value" : "XXXX", "displayLabel" : { "languageTypeId" : "id", "scriptTypeId" : "id", "formatTypeId" : "id", "text" : "XXXX" }, "associatedId" : "id" }, ...], "associatedId" : "id" }, "auditTrail" : { "addedBy" : "XXXX", "addedOn" : "YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss", "updatedBy" : "XXXX", "updatedOn" : "YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss", "comment" : "XXXX" } } |
PUT {authorization} to handcar/services/authorization/vaults/{vaultId}/authorizations?proxyname={XXXX} { "id" : "id", "genusTypeId" : "id", "displayName" : { "languageTypeId" : "id", "scriptTypeId" : "id", "formatTypeId" : "id", "text" : "XXXX" }, "description" : { "languageTypeId" : "id", "scriptTypeId" : "id", "formatTypeId" : "id", "text" : "XXXX" }, "resourceId" : "id", "trustId" : "id", "agentId" : "id", "functionId" : "id", "qualifierId" : "id", "vaultId" : "id", "endReasonId" : "id", "startDate" : "YYYY-MM-DD", "endDate" : "YYYY-MM-DD", "current" : true, "sortKey" : "XXXX", "extensionRecord" : { "recordTypeIds" : ["id", ...], "recordProperties" : [ { "displayName" : { "languageTypeId" : "id", "scriptTypeId" : "id", "formatTypeId" : "id", "text" : "XXXX" }, "description" : { "languageTypeId" : "id", "scriptTypeId" : "id", "formatTypeId" : "id", "text" : "XXXX" }, "recordTypeId" : "id", "value" : "XXXX", "displayLabel" : { "languageTypeId" : "id", "scriptTypeId" : "id", "formatTypeId" : "id", "text" : "XXXX" }, "associatedId" : "id" }, ...], "associatedId" : "id" }, "auditTrail" : { "addedBy" : "XXXX", "addedOn" : "YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss", "updatedBy" : "XXXX", "updatedOn" : "YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss", "comment" : "XXXX" } } |
DELETE handcar/services/authorization/vaults/{vaultId}/authorizations/{authorizationId}?proxyname={XXXX} |
GET handcar/services/authorization/vaults/{vaultId}/authorizations/{authorizationId}/extension?recordtypeid={id}&recordtypeid={id}...&proxyname={XXXX} |
PUT {extensionRecord} to handcar/services/authorization/vaults/{vaultId}/authorizations/{authorizationId}/extension?proxyname={XXXX} { "recordTypeIds" : ["id", ...], "recordProperties" : [ { "displayName" : { "languageTypeId" : "id", "scriptTypeId" : "id", "formatTypeId" : "id", "text" : "XXXX" }, "description" : { "languageTypeId" : "id", "scriptTypeId" : "id", "formatTypeId" : "id", "text" : "XXXX" }, "recordTypeId" : "id", "value" : "XXXX", "displayLabel" : { "languageTypeId" : "id", "scriptTypeId" : "id", "formatTypeId" : "id", "text" : "XXXX" }, "associatedId" : "id" }, ...], "associatedId" : "id" } |
GET handcar/services/authorization/vaults/{vaultId}/authorized/{agentId}/{functionId}?qualifierId={id}&proxyname={XXXX} |
Method | getAuthorizationHintsForVault | ||
Description | Get authorization hints for a particular vault | ||
REST Signature | GET handcar/services/authorization/vaults/{vaultId}/authorization?proxyname={XXXX} |
Parameters | String | vaultId | that you want to fetch |
String | proxyName | optional name of user for whom this operation is being executed, if not specified taken from security context |
Return | AuthorizationHintsBean | authorization hints for accessing vaults | |
Errors | HandcarOperationFailedException | HTTP 500 if something goes wrong | |
HandcarPermissionDeniedException | HTTP 403 if you don't have rights to call this method or are not allowed to proxy user |
Method | getVaultGenusTypes | ||
Description | Gets the list of vault genus types. OSID reference: Vault.genusType |
REST Signature | GET handcar/services/authorization/vault/types?proxyname={XXXX} |
Parameters | String | proxyName | optional name of user for whom this operation is being executed, if not specified taken from security context |
Return | TypeBeanList | list of vault types that can be used to create vaults | |
Errors | HandcarOperationFailedException | HTTP 500 if something goes wrong | |
HandcarPermissionDeniedException | HTTP 403 if you don't have rights to call this method or are not allowed to proxy user |
Method | getVaultsByQueryParams | ||
Description | Get a list of all vaults OSID reference: VaultLookupSession |
REST Signature | GET handcar/services/authorization/vaults?proxyname={XXXX} |
Parameters | VaultQueryBean | queryBean | ??? |
String | proxyName | optional name of user for whom this operation is being executed, if not specified taken from security context |
Return | VaultBeanList | list of all vaults | |
Errors | HandcarOperationFailedException | HTTP 500 if something goes wrong | |
HandcarPermissionDeniedException | HTTP 403 if you don't have rights to call this method or are not allowed to proxy user |
Method | getVaultById | ||
Description | Get a particular vault by id OSID reference: VaultLookupSession |
REST Signature | GET handcar/services/authorization/vaults/{vaultId}?proxyname={XXXX} |
Parameters | String | vaultId | that you want to fetch |
String | proxyName | optional name of user for whom this operation is being executed, if not specified taken from security context |
Return | VaultBean | the fetched vault | |
Errors | HandcarOperationFailedException | HTTP 500 if something goes wrong | |
HandcarPermissionDeniedException | HTTP 403 if you don't have rights to call this method or are not allowed to proxy user |
HandcarNotFoundException | HTTP 404 if the vault id is bad |
Method | createVault | ||
Description | Creates a vault Note: for certain vault genus types there can only be one vault with that type. If you try to create another one the pre-existing one is returned instead. OSID reference: VaultAdminSession |
REST Signature | POST {vaultBean} to handcar/services/authorization/vaults?proxyname={XXXX} |
Parameters | VaultBean | vaultBean | to be created |
String | proxyName | optional name of user for whom this operation is being executed, if not specified taken from security context |
Return | VaultBean | the newly created vault | |
Errors | HandcarOperationFailedException | HTTP 500 if something goes wrong | |
HandcarPermissionDeniedException | HTTP 403 if you don't have rights to call this method or are not allowed to proxy user |
HandcarNotFoundException | ??? | ||
HandcarInvalidArgumentException | HTTP 422 if the data is invalid |
Method | updateVault | ||
Description | Updates a vault The authorization Id read-only and cannot be changed and changes will be silently ignored. OSID reference: RelationshipAdminSession |
REST Signature | PUT {vaultBean} to handcar/services/authorization/vaults/{vaultId}?proxyname={XXXX} |
Parameters | VaultBean | vaultBean | to be updated |
String | proxyName | optional name of user for whom this operation is being executed, if not specified taken from security context |
Return | VaultBean | the newly updated authorization | |
Errors | HandcarOperationFailedException | HTTP 500 if something goes wrong | |
HandcarPermissionDeniedException | HTTP 403 if you don't have rights to call this method or are not allowed to proxy user |
HandcarNotFoundException | HTTP 404 if the vault or authorization does not exist | ||
HandcarInvalidArgumentException | HTTP 422 if the data is invalid |
Method | deleteVault | ||
Description | Delete vault | ||
REST Signature | DELETE handcar/services/authorization/vaults/{vaultId}?proxyname={XXXX} |
Parameters | String | vaultId | to be deleted |
String | proxyName | optional name of user for whom this operation is being executed, if not specified taken from security context |
Return | void | ??? | |
Errors | HandcarOperationFailedException | HTTP 500 if something goes wrong | |
HandcarPermissionDeniedException | HTTP 403 if you don't have rights to call this method or are not allowed to proxy user |
HandcarNotFoundException | HTTP 404 if the authorization is not in the vault |
Method | getVaultExtensionRecord | ||
Description | Fetch a particular vaults's EXTENSION record An EXTENSION record is basically a set of key value pairs holding additional data not explicitly defined in the object. It is a way to extend the object without breaking the contract. See ExtensionRecordBean for more details. OSID reference: Authorization.getAuthorizationRecord |
REST Signature | GET handcar/services/authorization/vaults/{vaultId}/extension?recordtypeid={id}&recordtypeid={id}...&proxyname={XXXX} |
Parameters | String | vaultId | vault that the authorization is in |
StringList | optionalRecordTypeIds | optional list of the record types to include, if not specified all record types are included |
String | proxyName | optional name of user for whom this operation is being executed, if not specified taken from security context |
Return | ExtensionRecordBean | the fetched authorization's extension record | |
Errors | HandcarOperationFailedException | HTTP 500 if something goes wrong | |
HandcarPermissionDeniedException | HTTP 403 if you don't have rights to call this method or are not allowed to proxy user |
HandcarNotFoundException | HTTP 404 if the id is not valid |
Method | updateVaultExtensionRecord | ||
Description | Update a particular objective bank's extension record An EXTENSION record is basically a set of key value pairs holding additional data not explicitly defined in the object. It is a way to extend the object without breaking the contract. See ExtensionRecordBean for more details. OSID reference: Vault.getVaultRecord |
REST Signature | PUT {extensionRecord} to handcar/services/authorization/vaults/{vaultId}/extension?proxyname={XXXX} |
Parameters | String | vaultId | bank who's extension is to be fetched |
ExtensionRecordBean | extensionRecord | extension record to replace the existing extension record | |
String | proxyName | optional name of user for whom this operation is being executed, if not specified taken from security context |
Return | ExtensionRecordBean | the objective banks extension once updated | |
Errors | HandcarOperationFailedException | HTTP 500 if something goes wrong | |
HandcarPermissionDeniedException | HTTP 403 if you don't have rights to call this method or are not allowed to proxy user |
HandcarNotFoundException | HTTP 404 if the objective bank id is not valid |
Method | getFunctionGenusTypes | ||
Description | Gets the list of function genus types. OSID reference: Function.genusType |
REST Signature | GET handcar/services/authorization/function/types?proxyname={XXXX} |
Parameters | String | proxyName | optional name of user for whom this operation is being executed, if not specified taken from security context |
Return | TypeBeanList | list of function types that can be used to vault entries | |
Errors | HandcarOperationFailedException | HTTP 500 if something goes wrong | |
HandcarPermissionDeniedException | HTTP 403 if you don't have rights to call this method or are not allowed to proxy user |
HandcarNotFoundException | HTTP 404 if the vault id does not exist |
Method | getFunctionsInVaultByQueryParams | ||
Description | Get functions in the vault optionally by Query Parameters The entries are ordered by the entries timestamp so that the most recent vault entries appear first. |
REST Signature | GET handcar/services/authorization/vaults/{vaultId}/functions?proxyname={XXXX} |
Parameters | String | vaultId | within which the functions exist |
FunctionQueryBean | queryBean | ??? | |
String | proxyName | optional name of user for whom this operation is being executed, if not specified taken from security context |
Return | FunctionBeanList | Functions filtered by the supplied query parameters | |
Errors | HandcarOperationFailedException | HTTP 500 if something goes wrong | |
HandcarPermissionDeniedException | HTTP 403 if you don't have rights to call this method or are not allowed to proxy user |
HandcarNotFoundException | HTTP 404 if the vault id is not known |
Method | getFunctionInVaultById | ||
Description | Fetch a particular function from a vault | ||
REST Signature | GET handcar/services/authorization/vaults/{vaultId}/functions/{functionId}?proxyname={XXXX} |
Parameters | String | vaultId | vault that the function is in |
String | functionId | id of the function you want to fetch | |
String | proxyName | optional name of user for whom this operation is being executed, if not specified taken from security context |
Return | FunctionBean | the fetched function | |
Errors | HandcarOperationFailedException | HTTP 500 if something goes wrong | |
HandcarPermissionDeniedException | HTTP 403 if you don't have rights to call this method or are not allowed to proxy user |
HandcarNotFoundException | HTTP 404 if the function id is not in the vault |
Method | getFunctionById | ||
Description | Fetch a particular function regardless of which vault it is in | ||
REST Signature | GET handcar/services/authorization/functions/{functionId}?proxyname={XXXX} |
Parameters | String | functionId | id of the function you want to fetch |
String | proxyName | optional name of user for whom this operation is being executed, if not specified taken from security context |
Return | FunctionBean | the fetched function | |
Errors | HandcarOperationFailedException | HTTP 500 if something goes wrong | |
HandcarPermissionDeniedException | HTTP 403 if you don't have rights to call this method or are not allowed to proxy user |
HandcarNotFoundException | HTTP 404 if the function id is not in the vault |
Method | createFunctionInVault | ||
Description | Creates a function in a vault | ||
REST Signature | POST {function} to handcar/services/authorization/vaults/{vaultId}/functions?proxyname={XXXX} |
Parameters | String | vaultId | within which the function is to be created |
FunctionBean | function | to be created | |
String | proxyName | optional name of user for whom this operation is being executed, if not specified taken from security context |
Return | FunctionBean | ??? | |
Errors | HandcarOperationFailedException | HTTP 500 if something goes wrong | |
HandcarPermissionDeniedException | HTTP 403 if you don't have rights to call this method or are not allowed to proxy user |
HandcarNotFoundException | HTTP 404 if the vault or function does not exist | ||
HandcarInvalidArgumentException | HTTP 422 if the data is invalid |
Method | updateFunctionInVault | ||
Description | Updates an function The function Id read-only and cannot be changed and changes will be silently ignored. OSID reference: RelationshipAdminSession |
REST Signature | PUT {function} to handcar/services/authorization/vaults/{vaultId}/functions?proxyname={XXXX} |
Parameters | String | vaultId | within which the function is to be updated |
FunctionBean | function | to be updated | |
String | proxyName | optional name of user for whom this operation is being executed, if not specified taken from security context |
Return | FunctionBean | the newly updated function | |
Errors | HandcarOperationFailedException | HTTP 500 if something goes wrong | |
HandcarPermissionDeniedException | HTTP 403 if you don't have rights to call this method or are not allowed to proxy user |
HandcarNotFoundException | HTTP 404 if the vault or function does not exist | ||
HandcarInvalidArgumentException | HTTP 422 if the data is invalid |
Method | deleteFunctionInVault | ||
Description | Delete a function | ||
REST Signature | DELETE handcar/services/authorization/vaults/{vaultId}/functions/{functionId}?proxyname={XXXX} |
Parameters | String | vaultId | within which the function exists |
String | functionId | id of the function to be deleted | |
String | proxyName | optional name of user for whom this operation is being executed, if not specified taken from security context |
Return | void | ??? | |
Errors | HandcarOperationFailedException | HTTP 500 if something goes wrong | |
HandcarPermissionDeniedException | HTTP 403 if you don't have rights to call this method or are not allowed to proxy user |
HandcarNotFoundException | HTTP 404 if the function is not in the vault |
Method | getFunctionExtensionRecord | ||
Description | Fetch a particular function's EXTENSION record An EXTENSION record is basically a set of key value pairs holding additional data not explicitly defined in the object. It is a way to extend the object without breaking the contract. See ExtensionRecordBean for more details. OSID reference: Function.getFunctionRecord |
REST Signature | GET handcar/services/authorization/vaults/{vaultId}/functions/{functionId}/extension?recordtypeid={id}&recordtypeid={id}...&proxyname={XXXX} |
Parameters | String | vaultId | vault that the function is in |
String | functionId | id of the function you want to fetch | |
StringList | optionalRecordTypeIds | optional list of the record types to include, if not specified all record types are included |
String | proxyName | optional name of user for whom this operation is being executed, if not specified taken from security context |
Return | ExtensionRecordBean | the fetched function's extension record | |
Errors | HandcarOperationFailedException | HTTP 500 if something goes wrong | |
HandcarPermissionDeniedException | HTTP 403 if you don't have rights to call this method or are not allowed to proxy user |
HandcarNotFoundException | HTTP 404 if the id is not valid |
Method | updateFunctionExtensionRecord | ||
Description | Update a particular function's extension record An EXTENSION record is basically a set of key value pairs holding additional data not explicitly defined in the object. It is a way to extend the object without breaking the contract. See ExtensionRecordBean for more details. OSID reference: Vault.getVaultRecord |
REST Signature | PUT {extensionRecord} to handcar/services/authorization/vaults/{vaultId}/functions/{functionId}/extension?proxyname={XXXX} |
Parameters | String | vaultId | bank who's extension is to be fetched |
String | functionId | ??? | |
ExtensionRecordBean | extensionRecord | extension record to replace the existing extension record | |
String | proxyName | optional name of user for whom this operation is being executed, if not specified taken from security context |
Return | ExtensionRecordBean | the objective banks extension once updated | |
Errors | HandcarOperationFailedException | HTTP 500 if something goes wrong | |
HandcarPermissionDeniedException | HTTP 403 if you don't have rights to call this method or are not allowed to proxy user |
HandcarNotFoundException | HTTP 404 if the objective bank id is not valid |
Method | getQualifierGenusTypes | ||
Description | Gets the list of qualifier genus types. OSID reference: Qualifier.genusType |
REST Signature | GET handcar/services/authorization/qualifier/types?proxyname={XXXX} |
Parameters | String | proxyName | optional name of user for whom this operation is being executed, if not specified taken from security context |
Return | TypeBeanList | list of qualifier types that can be used to vault entries | |
Errors | HandcarOperationFailedException | HTTP 500 if something goes wrong | |
HandcarPermissionDeniedException | HTTP 403 if you don't have rights to call this method or are not allowed to proxy user |
HandcarNotFoundException | HTTP 404 if the vault id does not exist |
Method | getQualifiersInVaultByQueryParams | ||
Description | Get qualifiers in the vault optionally by Query Parameters The entries are ordered by the entries timestamp so that the most recent vault entries appear first. |
REST Signature | GET handcar/services/authorization/vaults/{vaultId}/qualifiers?proxyname={XXXX} |
Parameters | String | vaultId | within which the qualifiers exist |
QualifierQueryBean | queryBean | ??? | |
String | proxyName | optional name of user for whom this operation is being executed, if not specified taken from security context |
Return | QualifierBeanList | Qualifiers filtered by the supplied query parameters | |
Errors | HandcarOperationFailedException | HTTP 500 if something goes wrong | |
HandcarPermissionDeniedException | HTTP 403 if you don't have rights to call this method or are not allowed to proxy user |
HandcarNotFoundException | HTTP 404 if the vault id is not known |
Method | getQualifierInVaultById | ||
Description | Fetch a particular qualifier from a vault | ||
REST Signature | GET handcar/services/authorization/vaults/{vaultId}/qualifiers/{qualifierId}?proxyname={XXXX} |
Parameters | String | vaultId | vault that the qualifier is in |
String | qualifierId | id of the qualifier you want to fetch | |
String | proxyName | optional name of user for whom this operation is being executed, if not specified taken from security context |
Return | QualifierBean | the fetched qualifier | |
Errors | HandcarOperationFailedException | HTTP 500 if something goes wrong | |
HandcarPermissionDeniedException | HTTP 403 if you don't have rights to call this method or are not allowed to proxy user |
HandcarNotFoundException | HTTP 404 if the qualifier id is not in the vault |
Method | getQualifierById | ||
Description | Fetch a particular qualifier regardless of which vault it is in | ||
REST Signature | GET handcar/services/authorization/qualifiers/{qualifierId}?proxyname={XXXX} |
Parameters | String | qualifierId | id of the qualifier you want to fetch |
String | proxyName | optional name of user for whom this operation is being executed, if not specified taken from security context |
Return | QualifierBean | the fetched qualifier | |
Errors | HandcarOperationFailedException | HTTP 500 if something goes wrong | |
HandcarPermissionDeniedException | HTTP 403 if you don't have rights to call this method or are not allowed to proxy user |
HandcarNotFoundException | HTTP 404 if the qualifier id is not in the vault |
Method | createQualifierInVault | ||
Description | Creates a qualifier in a vault | ||
REST Signature | POST {qualifier} to handcar/services/authorization/vaults/{vaultId}/qualifiers?proxyname={XXXX} |
Parameters | String | vaultId | within which the qualifier is to be created |
QualifierBean | qualifier | to be created | |
String | proxyName | optional name of user for whom this operation is being executed, if not specified taken from security context |
Return | QualifierBean | ??? | |
Errors | HandcarOperationFailedException | HTTP 500 if something goes wrong | |
HandcarPermissionDeniedException | HTTP 403 if you don't have rights to call this method or are not allowed to proxy user |
HandcarNotFoundException | HTTP 404 if the vault or qualifier does not exist | ||
HandcarInvalidArgumentException | HTTP 422 if the data is invalid |
Method | updateQualifierInVault | ||
Description | Updates an qualifier The qualifier Id read-only and cannot be changed and changes will be silently ignored. OSID reference: RelationshipAdminSession |
REST Signature | PUT {qualifier} to handcar/services/authorization/vaults/{vaultId}/qualifiers?proxyname={XXXX} |
Parameters | String | vaultId | within which the qualifier is to be updated |
QualifierBean | qualifier | to be updated | |
String | proxyName | optional name of user for whom this operation is being executed, if not specified taken from security context |
Return | QualifierBean | the newly updated qualifier | |
Errors | HandcarOperationFailedException | HTTP 500 if something goes wrong | |
HandcarPermissionDeniedException | HTTP 403 if you don't have rights to call this method or are not allowed to proxy user |
HandcarNotFoundException | HTTP 404 if the vault or qualifier does not exist | ||
HandcarInvalidArgumentException | HTTP 422 if the data is invalid |
Method | deleteQualifierInVault | ||
Description | Delete an qualifier | ||
REST Signature | DELETE handcar/services/authorization/vaults/{vaultId}/qualifiers/{qualifierId}?proxyname={XXXX} |
Parameters | String | vaultId | within which the qualifier exists |
String | qualifierId | id of the qualifier to be deleted | |
String | proxyName | optional name of user for whom this operation is being executed, if not specified taken from security context |
Return | void | the qualifier as it was before it was deleted | |
Errors | HandcarOperationFailedException | HTTP 500 if something goes wrong | |
HandcarPermissionDeniedException | HTTP 403 if you don't have rights to call this method or are not allowed to proxy user |
HandcarNotFoundException | HTTP 404 if the qualifier is not in the vault |
Method | getQualifierExtensionRecord | ||
Description | Fetch a particular qualifier's EXTENSION record An EXTENSION record is basically a set of key value pairs holding additional data not explicitly defined in the object. It is a way to extend the object without breaking the contract. See ExtensionRecordBean for more details. OSID reference: Qualifier.getQualifierRecord |
REST Signature | GET handcar/services/authorization/vaults/{vaultId}/qualifiers/{qualifierId}/extension?recordtypeid={id}&recordtypeid={id}...&proxyname={XXXX} |
Parameters | String | vaultId | vault that the qualifier is in |
String | qualifierId | id of the qualifier you want to fetch | |
StringList | optionalRecordTypeIds | optional list of the record types to include, if not specified all record types are included |
String | proxyName | optional name of user for whom this operation is being executed, if not specified taken from security context |
Return | ExtensionRecordBean | the fetched qualifier's extension record | |
Errors | HandcarOperationFailedException | HTTP 500 if something goes wrong | |
HandcarPermissionDeniedException | HTTP 403 if you don't have rights to call this method or are not allowed to proxy user |
HandcarNotFoundException | HTTP 404 if the id is not valid |
Method | updateQualifierExtensionRecord | ||
Description | Update a particular qualifier's extension record An EXTENSION record is basically a set of key value pairs holding additional data not explicitly defined in the object. It is a way to extend the object without breaking the contract. See ExtensionRecordBean for more details. OSID reference: Vault.getVaultRecord |
REST Signature | PUT {extensionRecord} to handcar/services/authorization/vaults/{vaultId}/qualifiers/{qualifierId}/extension?proxyname={XXXX} |
Parameters | String | vaultId | bank who's extension is to be fetched |
String | qualifierId | ??? | |
ExtensionRecordBean | extensionRecord | extension record to replace the existing extension record | |
String | proxyName | optional name of user for whom this operation is being executed, if not specified taken from security context |
Return | ExtensionRecordBean | the objective banks extension once updated | |
Errors | HandcarOperationFailedException | HTTP 500 if something goes wrong | |
HandcarPermissionDeniedException | HTTP 403 if you don't have rights to call this method or are not allowed to proxy user |
HandcarNotFoundException | HTTP 404 if the objective bank id is not valid |
Method | getAuthorizationGenusTypes | ||
Description | Gets the list of authorization genus types. OSID reference: Authorization.genusType |
REST Signature | GET handcar/services/authorization/authorization/types?proxyname={XXXX} |
Parameters | String | proxyName | optional name of user for whom this operation is being executed, if not specified taken from security context |
Return | TypeBeanList | list of authorization types that can be used to vault entries | |
Errors | HandcarOperationFailedException | HTTP 500 if something goes wrong | |
HandcarPermissionDeniedException | HTTP 403 if you don't have rights to call this method or are not allowed to proxy user |
HandcarNotFoundException | HTTP 404 if the vault id does not exist |
Method | getAuthorizationsInVaultByQueryParams | ||
Description | Get authorizations in the vault optionally by Query Parameters The entries are ordered by the entries timestamp so that the most recent vault entries appear first. |
REST Signature | GET handcar/services/authorization/vaults/{vaultId}/authorizations?proxyname={XXXX} |
Parameters | String | vaultId | within which the authorizations exist |
AuthorizationQueryBean | queryBean | ??? | |
String | proxyName | optional name of user for whom this operation is being executed, if not specified taken from security context |
Return | AuthorizationBeanList | Authorizations filtered by the supplied query parameters | |
Errors | HandcarOperationFailedException | HTTP 500 if something goes wrong | |
HandcarPermissionDeniedException | HTTP 403 if you don't have rights to call this method or are not allowed to proxy user |
HandcarNotFoundException | HTTP 404 if the vault id is not known |
Method | getAuthorizationInVaultById | ||
Description | Fetch a particular authorization from a vault | ||
REST Signature | GET handcar/services/authorization/vaults/{vaultId}/authorizations/{authorizationId}?proxyname={XXXX} |
Parameters | String | vaultId | vault that the authorization is in |
String | authorizationId | id of the authorization you want to fetch | |
String | proxyName | optional name of user for whom this operation is being executed, if not specified taken from security context |
Return | AuthorizationBean | the fetched authorization | |
Errors | HandcarOperationFailedException | HTTP 500 if something goes wrong | |
HandcarPermissionDeniedException | HTTP 403 if you don't have rights to call this method or are not allowed to proxy user |
HandcarNotFoundException | HTTP 404 if the authorization id is not in the vault |
Method | getAuthorizationById | ||
Description | Fetch a particular authorization regardless of which vault it is in | ||
REST Signature | GET handcar/services/authorization/authorizations/{authorizationId}?proxyname={XXXX} |
Parameters | String | authorizationId | id of the authorization you want to fetch |
String | proxyName | optional name of user for whom this operation is being executed, if not specified taken from security context |
Return | AuthorizationBean | the fetched authorization | |
Errors | HandcarOperationFailedException | HTTP 500 if something goes wrong | |
HandcarPermissionDeniedException | HTTP 403 if you don't have rights to call this method or are not allowed to proxy user |
HandcarNotFoundException | HTTP 404 if the authorization id is not in the vault |
Method | createAuthorizationInVault | ||
Description | Creates a authorization in a vault | ||
REST Signature | POST {authorization} to handcar/services/authorization/vaults/{vaultId}/authorizations?proxyname={XXXX} |
Parameters | String | vaultId | within which the authorization is to be created |
AuthorizationBean | authorization | to be created | |
String | proxyName | optional name of user for whom this operation is being executed, if not specified taken from security context |
Return | AuthorizationBean | ??? | |
Errors | HandcarOperationFailedException | HTTP 500 if something goes wrong | |
HandcarPermissionDeniedException | HTTP 403 if you don't have rights to call this method or are not allowed to proxy user |
HandcarNotFoundException | HTTP 404 if the vault or authorization does not exist | ||
HandcarInvalidArgumentException | HTTP 422 if the data is invalid |
Method | updateAuthorizationInVault | ||
Description | Updates an authorization The authorization Id read-only and cannot be changed and changes will be silently ignored. OSID reference: RelationshipAdminSession |
REST Signature | PUT {authorization} to handcar/services/authorization/vaults/{vaultId}/authorizations?proxyname={XXXX} |
Parameters | String | vaultId | within which the authorization is to be updated |
AuthorizationBean | authorization | to be updated | |
String | proxyName | optional name of user for whom this operation is being executed, if not specified taken from security context |
Return | AuthorizationBean | the newly updated authorization | |
Errors | HandcarOperationFailedException | HTTP 500 if something goes wrong | |
HandcarPermissionDeniedException | HTTP 403 if you don't have rights to call this method or are not allowed to proxy user |
HandcarNotFoundException | HTTP 404 if the vault or authorization does not exist | ||
HandcarInvalidArgumentException | HTTP 422 if the data is invalid |
Method | deleteAuthorizationInVault | ||
Description | Delete an authorization | ||
REST Signature | DELETE handcar/services/authorization/vaults/{vaultId}/authorizations/{authorizationId}?proxyname={XXXX} |
Parameters | String | vaultId | within which the authorization exists |
String | authorizationId | id of the authorization to be deleted | |
String | proxyName | optional name of user for whom this operation is being executed, if not specified taken from security context |
Return | void | the authorization as it was before it was deleted | |
Errors | HandcarOperationFailedException | HTTP 500 if something goes wrong | |
HandcarPermissionDeniedException | HTTP 403 if you don't have rights to call this method or are not allowed to proxy user |
HandcarNotFoundException | HTTP 404 if the authorization is not in the vault |
Method | getAuthorizationExtensionRecord | ||
Description | Fetch a particular authorization's EXTENSION record An EXTENSION record is basically a set of key value pairs holding additional data not explicitly defined in the object. It is a way to extend the object without breaking the contract. See ExtensionRecordBean for more details. OSID reference: Authorization.getAuthorizationRecord |
REST Signature | GET handcar/services/authorization/vaults/{vaultId}/authorizations/{authorizationId}/extension?recordtypeid={id}&recordtypeid={id}...&proxyname={XXXX} |
Parameters | String | vaultId | vault that the authorization is in |
String | authorizationId | id of the authorization you want to fetch | |
StringList | optionalRecordTypeIds | optional list of the record types to include, if not specified all record types are included |
String | proxyName | optional name of user for whom this operation is being executed, if not specified taken from security context |
Return | ExtensionRecordBean | the fetched authorization's extension record | |
Errors | HandcarOperationFailedException | HTTP 500 if something goes wrong | |
HandcarPermissionDeniedException | HTTP 403 if you don't have rights to call this method or are not allowed to proxy user |
HandcarNotFoundException | HTTP 404 if the id is not valid |
Method | updateAuthorizationExtensionRecord | ||
Description | Update a particular authorization's extension record An EXTENSION record is basically a set of key value pairs holding additional data not explicitly defined in the object. It is a way to extend the object without breaking the contract. See ExtensionRecordBean for more details. OSID reference: Vault.getVaultRecord |
REST Signature | PUT {extensionRecord} to handcar/services/authorization/vaults/{vaultId}/authorizations/{authorizationId}/extension?proxyname={XXXX} |
Parameters | String | vaultId | bank who's extension is to be fetched |
String | authorizationId | ??? | |
ExtensionRecordBean | extensionRecord | extension record to replace the existing extension record | |
String | proxyName | optional name of user for whom this operation is being executed, if not specified taken from security context |
Return | ExtensionRecordBean | the objective banks extension once updated | |
Errors | HandcarOperationFailedException | HTTP 500 if something goes wrong | |
HandcarPermissionDeniedException | HTTP 403 if you don't have rights to call this method or are not allowed to proxy user |
HandcarNotFoundException | HTTP 404 if the objective bank id is not valid |
Method | isAuthorized | ||
Description | Check if a person has a particular authorization optionally within a specific qualifier OSID reference: Vault.getVault |
REST Signature | GET handcar/services/authorization/vaults/{vaultId}/authorized/{agentId}/{functionId}?qualifierId={id}&proxyname={XXXX} |
Parameters | String | vaultId | vault |
String | agentId | agent/proxy | |
String | functionId | function | |
String | qualifierId | qualifier | |
String | proxyName | optional name of user for whom this operation is being executed, if not specified taken from security context |
Return | boolean | the objective banks extension once updated | |
Errors | HandcarOperationFailedException | HTTP 500 if something goes wrong | |
HandcarPermissionDeniedException | HTTP 403 if you don't have rights to call this method or are not allowed to proxy user |
HandcarNotFoundException | HTTP 404 if the objective bank id is not valid |