Frequently1 Asked Questions

1{ WHEN ask > 0 THEN add_to_faq(); }


Linking "topic" objectives to "outcome" objectives

publication date of assets

Is there any way to represent a relationship between objectives?

Can an activity belong to more than one objective?


publication date of assets

Is there a way to add in a "publication date" field to the assets for 2.002? The professors want to release videos only after the lectures have occurred, so we need to control them somehow.

Linking "topic" objectives to "outcome" objectives

Is there a way to link "topic" objectives to "outcome" objectives? Right now CrossLook2 seems broken because I cannot link the two types of objectives together. Steps I have taken to investigate this:

  1. The crossLookGenerator works for both CrossLinks and Chem Bridge (for me at least)
  2. It creates the Topic bank by pulling only the ones who have genusTypeId = mc3-objective%3Amc3.learning.topic%40MIT-OEIT
  3. Problem: On the test page I put up, the corresponding popup request to crossLookPresenter.html always returns an empty result, [ ]
  4. The objective number and bank are all correct--you can see they exist by directly polling MC3.
  5. This is because "activities" are all linked to the "Outcome" objectives, which have different IDs than the "Topic" outcomes. For example, one of the learning outcomes for "Batteries" is Batteries outcome 7A1 (ID objective%3A453%40MIT-OEIT), yet the topic itself, Batteries, has ID objective%3A452%40MIT-OEIT. If you search for Activities, you see about five for Batteries outcome 7A1, but none for just Batteries. This is missing something, because on the crossLookPresenter, I need to be able to pull up all the outcomes -> activities for just "Batteries".

From the documentation, it seems like I should be able to link the two types of objectives through the other relationships or other relationshipids services, except I don't know the relationshipTypeId's that I can use...

So ticket is to document how I can link the two types of topics together, or create a method to do so.

Is there any way to represent a relationship between objectives?

Can an activity belong to more than one objective?

(By looking at the data and the docs for the activity bean it looks like they can only belong to one objective. It seems like an activity could address more than one objective.)

We know we are not looking at assessments right now but it looks like the schema issue is the same as with activities. (While the schema allows an objective to belong to exactly only one assessment, it seems that an objective could be covered by more than one assessment. e.g. a midterm might cover the same objective as a quiz.)

if I create an activity and pass in an Asset URL, does it automatically create the Asset?

No, there is another method for just this situation Cole: handcar/services/learning/objectivebanks/{objectiveBankId}/activities/assetbased Norman Wright: Cole: ok, thanks! So just attach the bean... Norman Wright: it's a different bean one who's activity has an asset embedded inside it Cole: Hey Norm, I think the answer is no but want to confirm the workflow I need to do-- Cole: And if not automatically created, I have a 3 step process? 1) create activity, 2) create asset, 3) update activity to point to the asset? Norman Wright: